Friday, December 19, 2008

Crunch Time

So Necrotesque is 2/3rds finished. It's been a weird yet totally awesome ride so far. I've got just three more episodes to film and four more to edit and then the series is over. Which, for me, is hard to believe. I just sort of dove into this whole thing head first, never quite sure if it would ever really get going. And here I am, almost two months later, still in production, with eight episodes (about 24 minutes of footage all told) finished, and online, and with the end of the series in sight. And all this amidst school, work and acting in a feature film.

For those of you who have tuned in so far, thank you for your support. Whether silent or vocal, your presence in the audience is appreciated. I'm looking forward to showing you the culmination of these last few months work.

Of course, I shouldn't speak too soon. There's still a non-trivial amount of work to be done before this thing is through. But regardless, this collaborative work has been a great experience for me so far, and I hope you, the audience, and my collaborators have enjoyed it as much as I have. Thank you all for being a part of this wonderful learning experience. I owe you all a beer.

(That part about the beer is metaphorical. I spent all my money on DV tapes. Sorry.)