Sunday, January 25, 2009

Update your bookmarks

I've got a real website now. Check it out over at

Update your bookmarks, etc. There's also a new production blog/newsfeed at

And in case you missed it, check out the final episode here! Enjoy and see you soon!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Thoughts on the past, lessons learned for the future

So shooting on Necrotesque is wrapped. Has been for a while now actually. Just need to edit together the last two episodes and post them and then... then Necrotesque is finished.

The biggest thing I want to do differently for the next series is to have a place where I can write a news post each week to accompany the episode (a la Penny Arcade). I'm not making anything as topical as a gaming webcomic so I probably won't need nearly as much space as Tycho does over there, but I'd still like to engage a little bit with my audience, instead of just throwing the episode out there and hoping for the best. Of course, the best format for that would be to have my own website, so I could have a news post on the front page with a link to the new episode. I'm learning HTML as we speak. Basically I want to get everything in a single location, centralize my creative output so that people don't need to hunt through the breadth and depth of the internet in order to find out what the hell is going on and what I'm up to.

Anyways, my ramblings about changes I want to make aside, I just want to let everyone who checks out this obscure production blog know that even though Necrotesque ends in less than two weeks, there will be another series to follow. Right now it is tentatively titled "The Horror of the Eidolon Apartment Complex" and I have a first draft of the four episode story arc completed. The plan is to premier both it, and a new website on January 30th.

We'll see how that works out.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Episode 11 & 12 Time Lapse

If you're curious about what a standard (if really long) shooting day on our no budget series is like, take a look. This is an 8 hour (10 hour for me) day compressed into a 3 minute time lapse. Enjoy:

Music, as always, by the incredibly talented Kevin MacLeod of (the song is called "Netherworld Shanty").