Friday, December 19, 2008

Crunch Time

So Necrotesque is 2/3rds finished. It's been a weird yet totally awesome ride so far. I've got just three more episodes to film and four more to edit and then the series is over. Which, for me, is hard to believe. I just sort of dove into this whole thing head first, never quite sure if it would ever really get going. And here I am, almost two months later, still in production, with eight episodes (about 24 minutes of footage all told) finished, and online, and with the end of the series in sight. And all this amidst school, work and acting in a feature film.

For those of you who have tuned in so far, thank you for your support. Whether silent or vocal, your presence in the audience is appreciated. I'm looking forward to showing you the culmination of these last few months work.

Of course, I shouldn't speak too soon. There's still a non-trivial amount of work to be done before this thing is through. But regardless, this collaborative work has been a great experience for me so far, and I hope you, the audience, and my collaborators have enjoyed it as much as I have. Thank you all for being a part of this wonderful learning experience. I owe you all a beer.

(That part about the beer is metaphorical. I spent all my money on DV tapes. Sorry.)

Friday, November 21, 2008

Episode Four

Totally on time this week too.  Check it out.  Oh, and if you haven't already, feel free to join the facebook group.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Episode Three

Episode Three is now live.  Sorry to keep you all waiting.  I really wanted to keep this series on schedule for the entire run, and I'm disappointed that I wasn't able to achieve that.  I'm cutting together next week's episode well in advance though, so hopefully I'll be able to avoid a repeat performance.

Thanks to everyone for watching!  Check out this week's episode.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Good News Everyone!

Revver is back from the dead!  Episode Three should be online within 24 hours (pending me finishing editing it together *cough* and Revver allowing me to upload it quickly).

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Revver, why hast though forsaken me?

So as I mentioned on my other blog, Revver is down.  I'm really not sure what I'm going to do about getting tomorrow's episode live, in light of that.  Currently under consideration are: 1) Temporarily uploading it to Youtube, 2) Migrating to or 3) Just waiting and hoping that Revver gets its shit together.

We're shooting episode 5 tonight though, so at least on the production side everything is on track.

More news as it happens.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Ahead of Schedule

So just finished shooting episode four which puts us nicely ahead of schedule.  I'll be trying to cut it and episode three together early this week.  I'm hoping to have the first twelve episodes finished shooting by mid December so I can start work on the next story arc.

I'm somewhat concerned about next semester, and keeping to my one-a-week schedule then, but I guess we'll cross that bridge when we get there.

Thanks again to everyone who has been tuning in.  I hope you're all enjoying it, and I appreciate all the feedback I've received.  I look forward to sharing episode three with you all.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Fallout 3...

...has put me behind schedule. And by behind schedule, I mean not as far ahead of schedule as I wanted to be at this point. Episode 2 is still going to make it online, on schedule (as long as there aren't too many technical problems). Filming for episode 3 begins today, episode 4 on Sunday.

This making movies business is hard work. Good thing I'm only a part time student (next semester is going to be... interesting).

Friday, October 31, 2008

Slightly Internet Famous

Not really, but I still thought this was cool:

I was just scrolling down the Revver homepage when I saw a very familiar thumbnail.

The Necrotesque Teaser is right at the top of the playlist (front and centre!), and the playlist is currently featured on the Revver homepage (, with the first five videos visible on the main page. Which means Necrotesque just made the Revver front page. Which I think is cool.

A little bit of exposure, albeit not too far from home (what with my videos being hosted on Revver and whatnot). Still. At this point, any and all recognition rocks. A lot.

Episode One

Episode One is live! Go check it out: (or here).

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Production Update 8

Post-production on Episode One is finished as of tonight.  Also finished filming Episode Two earlier today, and will be starting on post sometime in the next few days.

I need to remember to get brief bios from the cast to put up here, in case any of you are curious.  I also need to do something about the web design situation (or lack thereof).  Probably not going to happen until December, unfortunately.  Unless someone else has too much time on their hands and wants to build a site for me (hint dropped).

Wishing I wasn't in school right now.  Assignments are piling up and the weekly series deadline is weighing on me a bit.  Then again, I've accomplished more as a writer/director in the last two months than in the 4 years before that.  Either way, I'm in now for the duration, and looking forward to every step.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Production Update 7

Rough cut of episode one is finished.  I've started sound editing, and will hopefully have the final cut ready before we start shooting episode 2 on wednesday.  I am really excited to get this online.  Jamie, Phil and Duncan have done an excellent job so far.

Friday, October 24, 2008


Teaser for the series is now live!  Less than a week until Episode One airs.  Enjoy!

Production Update 6

Just wrapped the first night of shooting.  Excitement has set in.  Things are on track for an October 31st premier, and I'm as surprised as everyone else.

Editing begins tomorrow.  Until then: sleep.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Production Update 5

Just finished the first draft of the current story arc earlier this week. Currently it runs to twelve episodes. Trying to assemble the cast and crew as I write this, and hoping to start production within the next two weeks (obviously, what with the October 31st planned premiere and all). More news as it happens.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Production Update 4

It's been a while.  September was crazy, but now that October is here, I'm eager and ready to get this show on the road.  Goal is to have Episode 1 live on the 31st.  I've rewritten the entire series from scratch, and now have up to Episode 8 roughly drafted.

I'm also likely going to rename the series (although this will remain the official production blog).  Why you ask?  Because I favour something a little more... pronounceable.

More news as it happens.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Production Update 3

My full time job and prior creative commitments seem to be impeding my ability to get the ball rolling on this one. Still haven't locked down an audition venue. I'm hoping I'll find time this weekend to send out some e-mails, hopefully lock down a location for August 23rd or 24th, although realistically I'll probably be auditioning on the 30th, or in September.

Plan for the audition, if any of you are thinking of coming out, is two prepared monologues followed by some cold reads. Of course, that could change.

Thanks again to everyone who has watched the video and who is checking this production blog.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Production Update 2

The Prologue has launched to the sound of deafening silence. I expected nothing less and nothing more. Special thanks to all those who have watched the video, especially those who watched it and then came here.

I'm currently shopping around for a (preferably free) location to audition people sometime in mid/late August. Once I find said location there will be open auditions for lead roles in the series, where we'll also be compilling a list of potential series guests. More details once a location is locked down.

Anyone interested in auditioning or helping out as crew should submit their resume (and headshot if applicable) to with Subject: "Ex Mortuis Cast/Crew".

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Monday, August 4, 2008

Production Update 1

Prologue is all but finished.  There are one or two shots I might do tomorrow evening before uploading the finished product, but I may leave them out.

Prologue - Post: 98%
Chapter 1 - Pre: 75%
Chapter 2 - Pre: 75%
Chapter 3 - Pre: 75%